by Macrigi News
24/10/2016 in Blog
We have created Rosso Limone with the intent to express and spread the healthy love for ourselves and for others, starting from the body. The red lemon, with its fiery color, expresses the passion and gives freshness and health with its juice. The lemon is a generous plant, which bears fruits when the flowers still embellish it and symbolizes the immense abundance and richness of Nature, the mother who unites us all with her fruitful power.
All his gifts are at our disposal and happiness is our choice.
Tags: beauty, couple, courses, health, hygiene, intimacy, Love, meetings, organic, romantic, rosso limone, seminar, sensual, sex, sexuality, wellness Comments Off on Macrigi Marketplace | Rossolimone – couple wellness products
by Macrigi News
24/10/2016 in Blog
It was 1980 when, in the area between the provinces of Vicenza and Verona, Majn pastry shop was founded.
The company roots are in the Italian tradition and the motto is to combine the artisanal skills with the use of modern techniques and instruments.
Among the various patisseries in the area, Majn immediately stands out for the quality and freshness of its strictly artisan products.
Tags: bakery, bread, celiac, celiachia, desserts, dolci, health, healthy, intolerance, Majn pastry, panettone, Pasta, pastry Comments Off on MAJIN PASTRY | The Professionals of Gluten-Free
by Macrigi News
24/10/2016 in Blog
Gluten Free is a diet for those who want to discover a different way of eating, less industrial-made and artifact and more genuine easier to digest. The Gluten Free diet is ideal for rediscovering the flavors, colors and scents of the good old days.
Eating Gluten Free is not limited only to those who are intolerant to gluten, but it also represents an alternative for those who have to deal every day with gastrointestinal disorders or intolerances to ingredients such as milk proteins, lactose, eggs and yeast, wheat, soy, and more. A good tip is to always read the label of the ingredients on each package.
All Gluten Free products are made with flour and ingredients that are naturally gluten free and free from any gluten contamination, even during the manufacturing process.
Furthermore, Gluten Free products are ideal for those who wish to return to a natural, quality diet, like the diet of our grandparents, where the deliciousness was always combined with simplicity.
Tags: exsper, food, gluten free, italian, Italy, Made in Italy Comments Off on Ancient Flavors Gluten Free
by Macrigi News
24/10/2016 in Blog
When we received the email from Luca Maroni’s staff who placed us among the best Italian wines with a high score (3rd place in Italy with 96 points out of 100), we realised that the passion and commitment we put into our work produce excellent results. This enthusiasm and passion also shine into our excellent wine bottles.
Our luck is that this profession is not only fatigue and sweat but also gives us the opportunity to live in wonderful environments, surrounded by enchanting landscapes and intense scents.
In fact, Il Crinale Winery overlooks a natural terrace with a breathtaking view of the countryside from the vineyards cultivated with the most typical wines of the province of Piceno, generally destined for the production of traditional DOC and DOCG wines such as “Rosso Piceno Superiore“, “Passerina” and “Pecorino“.
The combination of tradition and innovation, together with the passion for what we do, is the heart of the business of the Il Crinale Winery.
A special thanks goes to those who choose us and support every day and to the Macrigi Marketplace Team for their extraordinary collaboration.
Tags: Abruzzo, DOC, Italy, Luca Maroni, montepulciano, Original, wine Comments Off on Il Crinale winery | A passion that deserves a prize
by Macrigi News
24/10/2016 in Blog
In 2016 from the idea of Dr Antonio Lauro the D-IOOC was born, whose name changed in EVO-IOOC in 2018.
Since the first edition, the contest was proclaimed by the WREVOO (WORLD RANKING EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL), an organization specialed in promoting the best EVO oils at world level, included for rilevanc among the top five international extravirgin olive oil contests gave us the opportunity to gain nine valid points for the global ranking (only three others contest gave the same assignmen on total of thirty-one contests)
In 2018 after the name changed in EVO -IOOC, the contest grew up and changed partnership.
so here it starts the EVOLUTION (for intenational clarity and conciseness in EVO ) of the D-IOOC international contest, first in south Italy, that reached its third edition.
Tags: Calabria, Italy, Oil Exstra Virgin Olive, Premium, Quality Comments Off on LYDOY | Prizes and certifications
by Macrigi News
24/10/2016 in Blog
Marco and Monica, with their love for the Italian territory, together with the passion for food and culture, find inspiration every day to pursue their dreams.
With their brand “FoodBestvalley” they have been exporting Italian high-quality culinary excellencies for years.
After an accurate research of the best Italian gastronomic producers, they conceived Snackbags.
Snackbags stands for art and taste – elements that have always distinguished Italy under every aspect.
The tradition of its tastes conveyed in a new product,conceived for those who appreciate good food and have a preference for a healthy and balanced diet, even when not at home.
Snackbags are the synthesis of passion, beauty, stories of people and territoriesthat are handed down to and permeate modern life.
Snackbags are the traditional snack, designed for the future.
Tags: children, italian snack, Made in Italy, Quality, snack, snackbag Comments Off on SNACKBAGS | The Passion and Goodness Snack
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