While the world eagerly awaits a coronavirus vaccine, the entire world population protects itself by following the measures that governments adapt to their territories. The most common precaution used is, and inevitably will be, the face mask, capable of drastically decreasing the percentage of infection between people or preventing the spread of the virus. The main problem, unfortunately, is the lack of masks for everyone, especially for those who fight for us on the front lines. They, more than anyone else, need these precautions.
The Macrigi Team, during these weeks, given its commercial potential, has been looking for companies that are dedicated to the trade and production (in large quantities) of face masks. The goal is to help as many people as possible, with a collaboration with national and international large-scale retail chains or pharmaceutical and hospital structures.
Starting today, we are able to supply, with the best Made in Italy masks, the international markets and the hospitals that are most in difficulty or need it in this dark moment. In particular, we have two types of masks available:
♦ The classic surgical masks, recommended by health professionals, disposable and usable when attending potentially crowded places such as supermarkets or workplaces. (CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE)
♦ Washable cotton masks, usable more than once (CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE), also recommended to avoid being infected or infected.
The use of face masks in the community must be considered as a complementary measure and does not replace consolidated preventive measures, such as keeping a distance of about one meter from other people, avoiding gatherings, sneezing and coughing on a handkerchief or in the crease of the elbow , wash your hands and avoid contact with your face, but they are mandatory in the event of moving outside your home.
«Oh, I forgot, stay home and go out only to shop or for work or health needs. I recommend!»
A big thank you to all the doctors, nurses, to all the NHS, who help us to defeat the coronavirus in the front line, sacrificing everything they love most. We are proud of the work they are doing and despite the many difficulties they NEVER GIVE UP!