Wines, Romans and a lot of quality
In Italy there are millions of farms and wineries that produce high quality wines, probably we Italians are among the best in the world in step with the French, but how many of these can tell the (Roman) history that has passed through generations through wines of the farm casale caira? We tell you, very few. In this small article we will explain the passion of these people for their company and the hard work that very often leads to wonderful satisfactions and of course we will talk about the quality of their wines.

We tell you about our company
The grapevine farming in the Comino Valley has very ancient origins and it has improved during the centuries. In 1860, thanks to the great agricultural agent of Atina, Pasquale Visocchi, several French varieties of grapevine were combined with the local ones that represent the basis of the enology of the entire valley.
The meticulous care for our vineyards shows the attentiveness, the passion and the love that we dedicate to this prolific and graceful land.
The grapes are carefully selected and collected by hands in an uncontaminated environment that boasts of authentic pearls in his traditional products.

The connection with our roots brought us to dedicate our wines to historical personalities:

Carmen DOC
Carmen Rossi (Maria Carmela Caira) was born in 1879 in the farmhouse where our company is located. She had been the model of several artists in Paris from 1892.

Eques DOC
Eques, a kind of gladiator in the ancient Rome, it is represented in a majestic roman mosaic preserved in the Palazzo Ducale of Atina.

Planco IGT
Lucio Munazio Planco, consul during the roman Republic, was born in Atina in 90 b.C. He founded the cities of Lyon and Basilea.