BIORISI S.r.l. is an innovative start-up born in January 2019 from the incubation of a large Argentine company, Oil Fox s.a., a company in Buenos Aires.
The collaboration between Italian technicians, now in force at BIORISI S.r.l., has led to the filing of an international patent by Oil Fox s.a. regarding the technology and production of alga spirulina.
Spirulina algae is called the “Best Food for the Future” (already widely used in the sports context). It is considered a superfood so much so that in space expeditions it is one of the foods most consumed by astronauts because of its qualities.
Spirulina algae has in fact become a real food supplement for those who practice sports at a competitive level.
During physical exertion, an oxygen supply 10 times higher than normal daily activities is required.
An iron-rich food like spirulina algae is nothing but a great help to our organism when this is under stress. In addition, all the minerals lost with sweating are quickly integrated thanks to this food!
Spirulina algae is composed of 65% of proteins of the highest biological value.
So spirulina algae wins the medal as the best source of plant proteins.
And if spirulina algae is really so precious, it could not but be rich in omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9.
The presence of vitamins is also amazing: there are A, D, K, C, E in addition to many vitamins of group B, including B 12 which is practically absent in foods of plant origin.
In capsules or tablets, in twigs, in powder, fresh: food industry associated with other food, food, animal nutrition, cosmetics, pharmaceutical industry.
Pasta, Bread, Pizza, Condiments associated with extra virgin olive oil and Mediterranean spices, orange jams, biscuits and other baked goods, honey, cakes, ice cream, almond milk, butter, fish or vegetable risotto.
CREAMS: Body, Hands and Face
HAIR: Shampoo and conditioners
SOAPS: Solids and Liquids; Associated with extra virgin olive oil, honey and other essences.
In our shop, present in the platform Macrigi Marketplace, you will find our range of products based on spirulina.
Click the button below to buy!
For fresh products (Cheese, Sausage, Charcuterie) Pre-order is required. Thanks ! Dismiss