The Fullone oil mill with headquarters in Barile in the province of Potenza (Basilicata), produces an excellent extra virgin olive oil for true connoisseurs, the result of a careful selection of the best varieties of olives in the area and includes its own third party plant reliability and convenience.

The surrounding hills, having formed following the numerous eruptions of the volcano, present the particular characteristics that make them perfect for agriculture.They are in fact covered by splendid vineyards (from which the renowned Aglianico del Vùlture is obtained) and by centuries-old olive groves, from which a very high and refined quality olive oil is extracted deriving from the indigenous olive cultivar, but not only, mentioned Ogliarola del Vulture.
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The soil, in fact, is incredibly fertile, rich in numerous nutrients, such as mineral salts, released over time by the lava deposited and thanks to the debris of the plants that once submerged by the lava have become natural fertilizers for the soil.
They are grown up to 800 meters above sea level, although the optimal conditions are between 200 and 600 meters. So our olives are unique in that the lava matrix of the Vulture soils gives a very particular body and organoleptic characteristics. The soil and subsoil are also particularly rich in mineral waters and other incredible resources of the earth.