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"VALMAR Tessile Intelligente" is a company based in Italy, which with dedication, commitment and passion, it focused on innovation and research.
"We base our company philosophy on novelty, utility, quality and product warranty."
Here at Valmar we develop textile solutions to offer better performances. Our company mission is to create innovative, useful and original products to simplify and improve the everyday life.
One of our most appreciated solutions is the line of innovative products called: Stay Fresh Bags, patented and 100% Made in Italy.
- Stay Fresh Bread Bag for the preservation of bread
- Stay Fresh Cheese Bag for the preservation of cheese (Grana Padano, Parmigiano Reggiano, Pecorino, etc..)
- Stay Fresh Potato Bag to preserve potatoes
- Stay Fresh Salami Bag to preserve cold cuts (loin, ham, dried beef and bacon, etc)
- Stay Fresh Onion Bag to preserve onions
- Stay Fresh Garlic Bag to preserve garlic
We guarantee that our production is conceived, produced and packaged entirely in Italy in compliance with law 166/2009 Art. 16 to protect the consumer.
The domestic use of the bags prolongs the life of the food and contributes significantly to the fight against food waste.
Each bag has its specific characteristics and we are in possession of a certificate of "experimentation and validation by the Department of Food Science and Technology". A research published by the Molise Scientific Journal "OEKO" Certificates that our 100% cotton fabric is compliant for food use, according to the Presidential Decree of 21.03.33 and following modifications. We acquired the Certificate of suitability for the the interposed polyethylesne fabric from the "Chelab Siliker Laboratory" at the "Merieux Nutrisciences Company". We acquired all the certificates according to the EC Reg. 1907/2006 for all the components. The National Consumers Union advises our Stay Fresh Bags in the "Decalogue for the fight against waste".