Pastificio Cardamone
Reventino Agro-food S.r.l. was founded in 2008 with the intention of promoting, enhancing and updating local food and gastronomic traditions and, specifically, the area of the Reventino and the pre-Catanzaro sila. The Pastificio Cardamone was born, then, in 2013 from an idea of three brothers, precisely Cardamone, animated by a great passion with everything that the latter has generated: hard work, craftsmanship, research of quality, obstinacy in challenging fate, intuition and technological innovation, always respecting men and the environment. In particular, after extensive research on the uses and culinary cultures of the area, it was decided to start the recovery of ancient flavors from the primary food of our populations: Pasta. Needless to reiterate the importance of this product in the history of our region and the whole of Italy. Pasta, more than any other, identifies the authentic made in Italy in the whole world. Together with the pizza, it has transformed the eating habits of the entire planet, becoming a very used dish even where it was not known. In fact, the quality of Italian semolina, combined with an expert manufacture, and the quality of spring water, has made this product full of flavors and aromas that distinguish, internationally, its typicality. Born in the ancient lands of the south, he ended up conquering the tables of the entire nation and is constantly expanding throughout the world. We must also remember that medicine has also recognized the important nutritional and healthy qualities of Pasta. In fact, it is shown how his intake leads to an increase in the production of serotonin in the brain and, therefore, an increase in the serenity and quality of sleep. Pasta must, in its own right, be considered the complete food par excellence. It is tasty, nutritious, digestible and with the property to satisfy and satisfy any other food. We of Reventino Agroalimentare S.r.l. have decided, following a centuries-old tradition, handed down from generation to generation by our family, to develop a product that, respecting the traditional and unsurpassed quality of craftsmanship, also meets the requirements that the contemporary market requires. It was therefore decided to focus primarily on raw materials of southern origin. So for the water we get supplies from the Silano plateau, while for the semolina (only of durum wheat) we use that produced in the regions of the South, favoring the Sicilian one, whose exceptional characteristics are unanimously recognized. From this mix of selected raw materials and craftsmanship comes our product that always in line with the idea of enhancing the traditions, takes the name of Pastificio Cardamone in memory of our ancestors. Even the company's location is not casual. It is located in the oldest inhabited nucleus of Soveria Mannelli (small town at the foot of the Sila where you can still breathe a clean and fresh air and where respect is still rooted in the tradition of good things in life): San Tommaso, historic village, from the ancient origins, which precede the birth of the same Municipality. St. Thomas originates, in fact, as a farmhouse of the Ancient County of Sillanum (today Scigliano). The latter, located on the bank of the river Savuto, was already known in ancient Roman times. So we wanted to combine history and tradition, art and culture, of neighboring territories and ancient traditions ranging from the river Savuto to the Reventino up to climb the Silane slopes. Respecting the history and tradition, first synthetically outlined, it was decided to create our product, following the Calabrian tradition, but with a revisitation and an opening to the gastronomic customs of the whole Italy. Pasta is the basic food product, considered erroneously simple, but the difference in the mouth is felt .... how! The company puts the quality of its products at the center of its choices and every phase of the production cycle is subjected to strict controls. Quality, variety and hospitality characterize the Cardamone pasta factory.