Macrigi LTD - 207 High Street (Tunstall) Stoke On Trent ST6 5EG England - COPYRIGHT ©2025 Macrigi Ltd - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Good! Here’s how you can take advantage of your 10% discount on our products.
– Simply, enjoy your lunch or dinner in our partner restaurants.
– Request the receipt of your Lunch or Dinner
-Go to our contact form and enter the receipt data in the Message item (Name of the restaurant, Progressive number of the receipt, Date and time)
-You will receive an email with your 10% discount code on all products on our platform or if you prefer in our Showroom at 207 High Street Tunstall (ST6 5EG)
Beautiful restaurant on the New Brighton seafront.
All in Italian Style with unique dishes and Amazing staff.
Products selected with the Macrigi Quality team
Excellent dishes at a good price
Amazing restaurant in downtown Hanley near Pottery Center Stoke On Trent.
Located on two floors, very elegant and with attention to detail.
Products selected with the Macrigi Quality team and
masterchef dishes with excellent presentation.
Great for romantic dinners or special lunches
The Restaurant Pizzeria in Leek is beautiful and unique.
Rustic furnishings, warm and welcoming, perfect for a cheerful evening.
Alberto's Kitchen known for its extraordinary pizza and also specialized in an innovative and refined cuisine ,
with selected products together with the Macrigi Quality Team and you will also find our Prosecco D.O.C. Vegan.
Excellent cuisine and low prices
Romazzino in Nantwich. Simple delicious food. Established in 2007. Nestled at the heart of Cheshire’s most foodie town, Romazzino Nantwich offers a rustic Mediterranean feel.
Perfect Fantastic food and service. The chef and manager are lovely people, very welcoming and very helpful. Pasta and bread is cooked perfectly, and made fresh, not to mention great value. Would definitely recommend
Authentic Italian food. Romazzino is Sardinian for rosemary, which grows in wild abundance all along Europe’s most beautiful coastline.
Macrigi LTD - 207 High Street (Tunstall) Stoke On Trent ST6 5EG England - COPYRIGHT ©2025 Macrigi Ltd - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
For fresh products (Cheese, Sausage, Charcuterie) Pre-order is required. Thanks ! Dismiss
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